
🎉 Hello, World!

Welcome! My name is Jeayoung Jeon. I’m a software engineer from South Korea, and this is my formal portfolio site. Here, you can explore my records, experience, and career in detail. I’ve provided specific and clear information about myself. Hope you enjoy it 🥰

It provides following sections:

  • 💼 Profile: Career overview and résumé
  • 🚀 Works: My activities, projects, and live demo (powered by raspberry pi cluster 🐳)
  • 🧑‍💻 Certifications: Description of my certifications
  • 📜 Articles: All posts in this site
  • 🔖 Index: All categories and tags

Thank you for visiting my site. If you have any questions or want to contact me, please feel free to Mail me. Have a nice day! 🌤️

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