
✨ Introduction

My name is Jeayoung Jeon, and I’m a software engineer living in South Korea.

  • I work at MAXST as an MLOps/DevOps Engineer and Cloud-Native Software Developer.
  • I always study and work hard to solve big problems in my field.
    • Run endurable and scalable applications in cloud-native environments.
    • Create pipelines for computer vision problems in minimal cost.
  • In my spare time, I enjoy walking my dog and diving into the world of the Kubernetes Community.

To know more about me, check out my documents below:

💼 Résumé🇬🇧 EN🇰🇷 KO

🧑🏼‍💻 Current Position

Currently, I work at MAXST in South Korea as a software engineer with two roles: MLOps/DevOps Engineer and Cloud-Native Software Developer. My major responsibilities and roles in the company include:

  • as an MLOps Engineer 👨🏼‍🔬
    • ML Pipelines : Creating ML pipelines1 for computer vision problems
    • AutoML : Deploying Katib AutoML1,2 for hyperparameter tuning
    • Notebooks : Providing remote Python notebook kernels using JupyterHub
  • as a DevOps Engineer 🧑🏼‍🔧
    • CI/CD Pipelines : Deploying applications using private1 and public3 CI/CD pipelines
    • IaC : Managing public and on-premise clusters using IaC methodology1,4
    • Monitoring : Monitoring applications using PLG stacks
  • as a Cloud-Native Software Developer 🧑🏼‍💻
    • MSA
      • Developing APIs5 for life-cycle management of ML pipelines1
      • Developing applications ensuring high availability and scalability
      • Adapting applications to cloud-native environments
  • Challenges 🧐
    • MLOps : Distributed training of ML models using Kubernetes1,2
    • DevOps : Optimizing power/cost of public6 clusters using hybrid public+onprem clusters
    • ChatOps : Upgrade chatbots with open-source LLMs7 to automate boring and danger routines

1: Argo Workflows, 2: Kubeflow, 3: Bitbucket Pipeline and GitHub Actions, 4: Ansible and Terraform, 5: FastAPI, 6: AWS EKS, 7: Llama 3 with Ollama

💼 Career Details

1. Timeline

Following is a brief summary of my career:

  • 2024 - Present : Cloud-Native Software Development (BE, Infra)
  • 2023 - Present : MLOps, DevOps using Kubernetes Clusters
  • 2018 - 2023 : Research in Visual-SLAM and Digital Twins
  • 2012 - 2020 : Research in Automotive Computer Vision
  • 2012 - 2018 : Research in FPGA for Advanced Driver’s Assistance Systems
  • 2008 - 2018 : Research in Digital Signal Processing and Machine Learning
  • 2008 - 2012 : Study in Analog and Digital Communications

The annual interval stands for the focused duration of my full efforts

2. Documents

You can find more details about my career in the following documents:

3. Works

I have worked on various projects related to DevOps, MLOps, and Cloud-Native Software Development.

See my Works for more details about my projects and achievements.

4. Certifications

I have earned the following certifications related CNCF: CKA / CKAD.

See my Certifications for more details.

  • Blog: My blog posts written in Korean
  • Demo: Live demo powered by Raspberry Pi cluster (Can be down sometimes)

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