Résumé: Jeayoung Jeon

MLOps and Cloud-Native Engineer

My name is Jeayoung Jeon [🇰🇷전제영], and I’m a software engineer in South Korea.
Currently, I’m working at MAXST as an MLOps, DevOps, and Cloud-Native Software Engineer. I also specialize in:

  • 🧑‍🔬 Contributed to the launch of a Digital Twin Platform project by developing Cloud-Native APIs and ML Pipelines.
  • 🐳 Developing and operating a Hybrid Kubernetes Cluster for High Availability and GPU Cost Reduction.
  • 🧑‍🔧 Supporting Internal Services and Deployment Cycles using MLOps/DevOps.
  • 🧑‍🎓 Leveraging background in Computer Vision, ADAS, and ML to contribute DevOps and decision aligned with business objectives.
I’m passionate about collaboration culture and automation that can achieve the best results with fewer people. And I’m looking for the best way to achieve both performance improvement and cost reduction. Based on my experience and achievements, I hope to have a career that grows with the company. For more details, please visit my portfolio.
LinkedIn: jyje
Google Scholar
Google Scholar: Jeayoung Jeon


(7 Months)

🧑‍💻 Widearth: Digital Twin Platform with Spatial Map & AR Contents at MAXST

Roles: Development of ML pipelines, APIs and Infrastructure
  • DevOps Designed CI/CD pipelines for web servers and ML workloads. Set git-flow environments with GitOps and led decision-making for deployments.
  • Hybrid Cluster Built hybrid clusters with AWS EKS and bare-metal Kubernetes. The ML pipelines are executed on on-premise clusters to optimize GPU costs. Backup pipelines are configured on EKS to increase availability.
  • ML Pipeline & API Designed Argo Workflows based ML data pipelines to generate spatial maps. Developed cloud-native API endpoints managing lifecycle of pipelines.
Results: 'Contribute Dev & Ops' <- Built Hybrid Clusters, ML Pipelines, and CI/CD Pipeline [contrib 75%+]
  • Main DevOps Manage CI/CD for Widearth project. Leading 40+ deployments for 3 months.
  • Robust Hybrid Infra Achieved '96% availability/year and 14d downtime' using hybrid clusters and DevOps support.
  • ML Pipeline Designed ML APIs and data pipelines in multi-clusters. Reduces costs of public cloud by 50%.
Skills: Core Skills for Project Widearth
  • Karpenter
  • Python FastAPI
  • Argo Workflows
  • Argo CD

(6 Months)

🧑‍🔬 MLOps: On-premise MLOps with the Latest Open Source Projects at MAXST

Roles: Built Core MLOps Platform using CNCF Open Source Projects
  • AutoML Making AutoML tuning hyperparameters with Katib and Argo Workflows without pre-build.
  • Distributed Training Developing distributed learning environments using Kubeflow Training Operator.
  • JupyterHub Generating On-Demand JupyterNotebook to distribute resources for ML researchers.
Results: 'Initiate MLOps' <- Improve GPU utilization for AI research using Kubeflow, JubeterHub [contrib 90%+]
  • MLOps Applied latest open sources to improve the on-premises research environment.
  • GPU Utilization Increased GPU utilization by 3 times and conducted more than 800 AutoML experiments.
Skills: Core Skills for On-Premise MLOps
  • Kubeflow/Katib
  • Kubeflow/Training Operator
  • Argo Workflows
  • Grafana
  • TensorBoard

(12 Months)

🧑‍🔧 DevOps: Development of Hybrid Clusters Providing CI/CD and Chatbot at MAXST

Roles: Development of Hybrid Clusters, CI/CD Pipelines, and Chatbot
  • Hybrid Cluster Built a hybrid cluster with AWS EKS and on-premise Kubernetes. GPU workloads are executed on on-premise clusters to optimize costs. Web and backup workloads are configured on EKS to increase availability.
  • IaC IaC with Terraform and Ansible to manage the cluster infrastructure: Terraform to set up AWS EKS cluster. Ansible-based Kubespray to set up on-premises cluster.
  • CI/CD Configured fast CI for collaboration using Bitbucket Pipeline. Configured high-performance custom CI using on-premises Argo Workflows. Implemented CD using GitOps with Argo CD and Slackbot. IaC was also configured as CI/CD and pipeline to set up declarative infrastructure.
Results: 'Initiate DevOps' <- Developed Hybrid Clusters using AWS EKS and On-Premise [contrib 75%+]
  • Robust Hybrid Cluster Achieved 50%+ cost reduction compared to pure cloud infrastructure using on-premises cost-effectiveness.
  • DevOps Culture Propagation of DevOps culture including app modernization and CI/CD. Decision support through monitoring.
Skills: Core Skills for Hybrid DevOps
  • Kubernetes
  • Argo Workflows
  • IaC
  • Terraform
  • Python/FastAPI
  • Python/Bolt (Slack)

(2 years)

📸 Digital Twin Research Engineer at MAXST

Roles: Development of computer vision algorithms and construction of digital twin systems
  • Visual-SLAM & SfM Developed digital image processing algorithms for Visual-SLAM and SfM. Constructed a digital twin system using image processing algorithms.
  • Technical Research Personnel Engaged in computer vision positions related to graduate school majors and performed military alternative service.
Results: 'Proof of Concepts' <- Algorithm research for digital twin systems [contrib 50%]
  • Digital Twins Research and development of Visual-SLAM and ICP algorithms for digital twin systems
  • Automation Development of automated pipelines for data acquisition and analysis
Skills: Core skills for digital twin research
  • Computer Vision
  • SfM
  • Visual-SLAM
  • Python
  • OpenCV
  • .NET/C#
  • Unity

(8 Years)

🧑‍🎓 Digital Signal Processing and ADAS Researcher (Integrated Program) at POSTECH

Roles: Studying and researching in the field of digital signal processing and computer vision
Results: 'R&D' <- Studying on Automotive Simulations in Virtual Environments and ADAS On-Edge.
  • Digital Twins Virtual Visual-SLAM for Real-World Environments
  • Edge ADAS Research of ADAS including Traffic Sign Detection & Lane Terrain Detection with FPGA
Skills: Core Skills for ADAS Research
  • Computer Vision
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Markov Random Fields
  • ADAS
  • Traffic Sign Detection
  • Lane Terrain Detection
  • MATLAB/Simulink
  • C/C++



💼 Senior Software Engineer [🇰🇷 책임연구원] at MAXST

Roles: Developed On-Premise Clusters Providing MLOps for Technology Division in MAXST
  • MLOps Developing on-premise clusters providing MLOps for the AI team.
  • DevOps Building hybrid clusters with AWS EKS and bare-metal Kubernetes.
  • Hybrid Building on-premise clusters with IaC tools such as Ansible and Kubespray.
  • Kubernetes
  • On-Premise
  • AWS
  • Argo Workflows
  • Data Pipeline
  • CI/CD
  • Computer Vision
  • OpenCV

(3 Years)

💼 Software Engineer [🇰🇷 선임연구원] at MAXST

Roles: Associate R&D Engineer for Technology Division in MAXST
  • Algorithm Research Reviewing computer vision algorithms in state-of-art papers and implementing prototypes.
  • DevOps Building hybrid clusters and providing data pipelines for digital twins.
  • Technical Research Personnel Serving as a substitute for military service for 3 years, engaging in the industry in the related field of computer vision major.
  • Kubernetes
  • On-Premise
  • AWS
  • Argo Workflows
  • Data Pipeline
  • CI/CD
  • Computer Vision
  • OpenCV


🎓 Master's Degree (Integrated Program) in Department of Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing & Computer Vision from Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) with GPA of 3.2/4.3

🎓 Bachelor's Degree in School of Electronic Engineering, Electronic Communication from Kumoh National Institute of Technology (kit) with GPA of 4.3/4.5


(Expired in )

🐙 CAPA: Certified Argo Project Associate from The Linux Foundation

(Expired in )

🐳 CKAD: Certified Kubernetes Application Developer from The Linux Foundation

(Expired in )

🐳 CKA: Certified Kubernetes Administrator from The Linux Foundation


Here are my skills and highlighted items are industry-ready.

MLOps & LLMOps
  • Kubeflow
  • Data Pipeline
  • AutoML Katib
  • Training Operator
  • JupyterHub
  • PyTorch
  • OpenCV
  • Ollama
  • RAG
  • Kubernetes
  • Argo Workflows
  • Kubespray
  • IaC
  • Terraform
  • Ansible
  • Grafana
  • Karpenter
  • CI/CD
  • Argo CD
  • Bitbucket Pipelines
  • GitHub Actions
  • Kaniko
  • Docker/Multi-stage
  • Slackbot
Application Development
  • Python/FastAPI
  • Unit Testing
  • .NET/WPF
  • Unity
Programming languages
  • Python
  • C#
  • C/C++
  • Go
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Visual Studio
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • MATLAB/Simulink
OS and Hardware
  • Windows
  • WSL2
  • Ubuntu
  • Alpine
  • MacOS
  • ARM64/Raspberry Pi
  • AMD64/Bare Metal
  • FPGA


  • Raspberry Pi Cluster
Cluster Optimization
  • Karpenter
  • BI using Grafana (PLG)
CNCF Projects
  • Kubeflow
  • Argo Projects


Fluency: Native
Fluency: Working Proficiency