Résumé: Jeayoung Jeon
MLOps/DevOps and AI Engineer
My name is Jeayoung Jeon [전제영], and I’m an MLOps engineer in Seoul, South Korea. I also specialize in:
- 🐳 Developing MLOps (APIs, Pipelines) and AI/LLM Platforms in cloud-native environments.
- 🧑🔧 Building Hybrid Kubernetes Clusters for High Availability and GPU Cost Reduction.
- 🧑🎓 Contributing decisions for MLOps/DevOps using backgrounds in ML, Computer Vision, Automotive.
- jyjeon@outlook.com
- Website
- https://jyje.live
- LinkedIn: jyje
- GitHub
- Github
- StackShare
- StackShare
– present (2 Months)
🧑💻 Senior Software Engineer [책임] at Hyundai AutoEver
- AI/LLM Platform Developing enterprise AI platforms and LLM+RAG systems for automotive domain knowledge
- MLOps Building ML pipeline infrastructure for software defined vehicles and autonomous driving
– (3 Years and 10 Months)
🧑🔬 Intermediate Software Engineer [선임-책임연구원] at MAXST
- MLOps/LLMOps Designed ML APIs and data pipelines. Built RAG+LLM systems for enterprise solutions
- Infrastructure Architected hybrid clusters (AWS EKS + On-Premise) for digital twin platform
- SRE Led site & service reliability engineering initiatives for web services and ML workloads
– (8 Years and 6 Months)
🧑🎓 Graduate Student Researcher in Computer Vision at POSTECH
- Computer Vision Research on hyperparameters for accurate and efficient computer vision algorithms
- Automotives Principal computer vision technologies for autonomous driving including ADAS and SLAM; Participated in the development of the Korean government's incubation projects with various ADAS researches
- FPGA Efficiently implemented computer vision and machine learning algorithms with real-time parallel matrix processing; SoC-type GPU/NPU accelerator
🎓 Master's Degree (Integrated Program) in Department of Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing & Computer Vision from Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) with GPA of 3.2/4.3
- Thesis: Virtual Visual-SLAM for Real-World Environments, 2020–
🎓 Bachelor's Degree in School of Electronic Engineering, Electronic Communication from Kumoh National Institute of Technology (kit) with GPA of 4.3/4.5
- Thesis: A Study on a Visible Light Communication using LED in Under-water Environment, 2011Awards
🏅 Altera Design Contest 2014, Excellence Prize from Intel-Altera Korea
🏅 Best Poster Session in Workshop from KYUTECH-POSTECH Joint Workshop
🥈 Altera Design Contest 2013, 2nd Prize from Intel-Altera Korea
🏅 Highest Honors in Undergraduate School from Kumoh National Institute of Technology
🏅 NAVER Power KiN 2011 from NAVER
The full list of my publications are available on Google Scholar. , POSTECH, Thesis (1st) 🎓 Virtual Visual-SLAM for Real-World Environments by Jeayoung Jeon
, ISVC, Advances in Visual Computing, 10th International Symposium (2nd)
📄 Cost Aggregation Table: Cost Aggregation Method Using Summed Area Table Scheme for Dense Stereo Correspondence by JeongMok Ha, Jeayoung Jeon, GiYeong Bae, SungYong Jo & Hong Jeong
, ICCAS, 14th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (1st)
📄 Polygonal symmetry transform for detecting rectangular traffic signs by Jea Young Jeon, JeongMok Ha, Sung Yong Jo, Gi Yeong Bae, Hong Jeong
, ICS-KIEE (1st, equivalent)
🎓 A Study on a Visible Light Communication using LED in Under-water Environment by Daehee Lee, Ki-Sung Park, Jea-Young Jeon, Yeon-Mo Yang
(Expired in )
🐈⬛ GitHub Foundations from GitHub
(Expired in )
🐙 CAPA: Certified Argo Project Associate from The Linux Foundation
(Expired in )
🐳 CKAD: Certified Kubernetes Application Developer from The Linux Foundation
(Expired in )
🐳 CKA: Certified Kubernetes Administrator from The Linux Foundation
Highlighted items are specialized in industry-ready.
- MLOps & LLMOps
- Keywords:
- DevOps & SRE
- Keywords:
- Keywords:
- ML Backend
- Keywords:
- Computer Vision
- Keywords:
- Keywords:
- FinOps & BizOps
- Keywords:
- Programming languages
- Keywords:
- Research/Dev
- Keywords:
- DevOps Culture
- Keywords:
- Home Clusters
- Keywords:
- Korean
- Fluency: Native
- English
- Fluency: Working Proficiency